ok.... lets continue the fun ride....
these are 2 famous sayings
" अपने पैर पर खुद कुल्हाड़ी मारना
आ भैंस /बैल मुझे मार "
so.... anyone among the readers of my blog is a farmer??? is any ?? with an axe( कुल्हाड़ी ) or is any one of my readers a milkman??? with a Buffalo (भैंस) tied outside their house ??
is there anyone like that or having the things mentioned above ??
i don't think so
please let me know if there is any....i would really appreciate that my blog is reaching places(thank you and a humble clarification i am not insulting any group or community i'm sorry if the stuff above hurts any feelings :))
arrey main to senti ho gaya....
lets get back....
so no one out here has an axe or bhains with them.. so lets reform those two sayings into youngistani or into today's world
the language which we understand
the language which my readers will understand
now have a look at the picture i've attached with the post
pehla reformation to ho gaya
now the theory
let us say
" खुद अपने कंप्यूटर में वायरस डाउनलोड करना "
" recession है ये पता होते हुए risk पे risk लेना"
in short
अपनी band बजाना .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
कुछ ऐसा ही chin2 ने अपने साथ किया ....जान ने के लिए ......आगे पदिये
so here is chin2 with the disc in his hand...he is on his way home...
there is only one problem in such kind of discs
and that is the covers ....the covers used to attract the customers
though there is nothing in the movie what is portrayed on them...
"अरे यार पिक्चर बनाई तो बनाई ये कवर क्यों बनाया?? क्या करू मैं इसका?? कहाँ छुपाऊ ऐसे रस्ते पे फेक भी नहीं सकता ..कोई देख लेगा तो...."
this thought is generally there in minds of everybody who buys a blue film ...same was the case with chin2...
he just folds it inwards so that the blank side of the cover is visible and not the naughty one...
he is not leaving any proofs or evidences ..he places the disc inside his shirt placed in his pant and hides it...takes his bicycle and goes home
he is checking repeatedly whether the disc is visible or not
enters his house parks his bicycle and starts walking inside
generally this happens....whenever we know that we are doing something wrong ..we feel that everyone in this world is staring us ...
for example: during my examination if i have studied well and if i am prepared then i will just start writing...my head completely in my paper
but if i am not prepared and i completely depended on peeping in others' paper i have all the time to observe where the invigilator is what is he doing etc.
exactly the same was the case with chin2
all the way back home he felt eyes on him..hence he checked the buttons of his shirt..and visibility of the disc
chin2 enters the dining hall and..
"chinttttttttoooooooooo!!!!!!!!! kaahhaaan thaaa??? itna late kyu hua?????"
tremendously scared he just climbed the staircase leading to his bed room 4stairs at a time and just locked the door from inside..he is sweating badly...
"arreey darwaza khol main kehti hu darwaza khol!!!!!!!
darwaza kholta hai yaa............."
typical mom chin2's mom mamta.....a strict but loving mom
she reads minds she was a scholar in reading body languages and eyes in her college among her friends
RED ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
for chin2 he knows that he is screwed the banging of door,sweating of his skin both are on..simultaneously.....
and above all chin2 wants to go to the toilet...pressure is really high he just regrets eating साहू ची भेल outside his school
his condition is pathetic
lets make his condition more pathetic by putting a comma here
to know whats next.... just keep reading...thank you:)
when u r posting the next part...
ReplyDeleteyar i ws too engrosed in ur story when it suddenly came to a stop...
kip writing :)
That picture isn't yours. Can you please ask permission before taking people's work? Most people have rules as to how they'd like their stock used, and you should respect their requests.